Many states will devote a statute in landlord tenant law to protecting the rights of victims of sexual assault, domestic abuse, and stalking. Wisconsin has such a protection, and the state also provides protection for tenants and family members who feel they are in imminent danger. Read on to understand the law regarding these issues as it relates to your rental property.

Wisconsin Notice of Domestic Abuse Protections

This is a required addendum to a lease agreement. Make sure to include this addendum when signing a lease. The notice complies with Wis. Stat. § 704.14, which outlines the rights of victims of abuse, which can be the tenant or a member of the tenant’s family living on the premises. Landlords can not end a lease agreement, evict a tenant, or refuse to renew a lease based solely on someone’s status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking. Furthermore, a tenant who is a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking may have the right to terminate the rental agreement in certain limited situations, as provided in section 704.16 of the Wisconsin statutes.

Imminent threat of harm

If a tenant or a child of the tenant faces an imminent threat of harm to them if they remain on the premises the landlord and tenant can terminate the rental agreement. Specific types of documentation must be provided, all of which is outlined in section 704.16 of the Wisconsin statutes. Should the lease agreement be terminated early, the tenant is only responsible for the rent for the month following the month notice of termination is provided to the landlord. Again, please review the statutes to understand the requirements.